Would you like to make a complaint directly to the service?

You have the right to make a complaint about a public mental health and wellbeing service directly to the service, as well as to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC).

You have the right to make a complaint about a public mental health and wellbeing service directly to the service, as well as to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC).

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC) deals with complaints about Victorian publicly funded mental health and wellbeing services. This includes mental health and wellbeing services run and delivered by a public hospital and other mental health and wellbeing services in Victoria. If you, or someone you care for, has had a negative experience at a public mental health and wellbeing service, then according to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 (the Act), you have the right to make a complaint.

It’s your choice whether to raise your concerns with staff at the service directly or go through the MHWC. Every service must have its own process to help you speak up and raise your concerns. Many concerns (for example, concerns about communication) can be resolved quickly by going directly to the service. However, if you prefer to make a complaint to the MHWC, or would like our support to make a complaint to the service, please contact us.

You can also contact us if you are not sure whether the complaint is in scope for the MHWC. If we cannot deal with your complaint, we will suggest a more appropriate body that may be able to assist you, or someone you care for.

Our Resolutions Officers will let you know if we can assist with your concerns. They will also let you know who to contact if another organisation is more appropriate to deal with your concerns.

Remember, the Act says you cannot be treated unfairly if you make a complaint. If you feel you have been treated unfairly for making a complaint, either to the service or to the MHWC, we encourage you to contact us.

If you’re unsure about where to make a complaint, you can call us on 1800 246 054 or email help@mhwc.vic.gov.au.

Read more about the Mental health and wellbeing services we can take complaints about.

Read more about how we handle complaints.
