What is the relevant organisation for your concerns?

Find other organisations that take complaints about various issues that might be affecting you

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MHWC) deals with complaints about Victorian public mental health and wellbeing services including services delivered by a public hospital. Read more about services we can take complaints about.

The MHWC’s role also includes the following :

  • promote and protect the rights of consumers, families, carers and supporters
  • hold the government to account for the performance, quality and safety of Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system
  • elevate lived experience leadership and participation and;
  • reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health issues.

Read more about how we handle complaints and about our role and functions.

If your concern is about something other than a Victorian public mental health and wellbeing service, you may be able to get advice or help from one of the organisations listed below.

If you’re not sure whether the MHWC or one of these organisations can assist you, please contact us.

Compulsory orders and treatment

"I want to apply to have my Treatment Order cancelled."

Mental Health Tribunal (MHT)

Phone: 1800 242 703

Visit: www.mht.vic.gov.au

Access contact forms here

The MHT is the independent tribunal established to:

· decide whether consumers need compulsory mental health treatment; and

· protect consumer rights by conducting hearings to identify the least restrictive way people can receive the treatment they need.

"I want a second psychiatric opinion on my treatment and ask whether the criteria for my Order under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act, 2022 apply to me."

Second Psychiatric Opinion Service (SPOS)

Phone: 1300 503 426

Visit: www.secondopinion.org.au

Access the contact form here

SPOS offers an independent second psychiatric opinion to people who are being treated as a compulsory, forensic or security patient under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act, 2022.

Second psychiatric opinions can give people additional information to challenge or participate in treatment decisions.

You can ask for a second psychiatric opinion at any time or your Nominated Support Person, carer, family member or supporter can ask for a second psychiatric opinion on your behalf.

The SPOS can provide a second opinion in relation to:

· the treatment provided to you (including recommending any changes the psychiatrist considers are appropriate); and/or

· whether the criteria for the relevant Order apply to you. Please note that this function does not apply in relation to forensic consumers who are detained by an order of a court.


"I want to make a complaint about a private psychologist or private psychiatrist / a GP / medical services in a hospital."

Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC)

Phone: 1300 582 113

Visit: www.hcc.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

The HCC can take complaints about health services such as a public or private hospitals, GP clinics, community health services, or about an individual health practitioner.

The HCC can consider complaints about social workers and other unregistered health practitioners (eg counsellors)

"I want to make a complaint about the behaviour or conduct of a health practitioner such as a doctor, a nurse or a psychologist and how they practice."

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra)

Phone: 1300 419 495

Visit: www.ahpra.gov.au

Access the complaints form here:

Ahpra can take complaints about registered health practitioners including concerns about clinical care, treatment, their behaviour or about a health problem that might be affecting the practitioner’s safe care of others.

Ahpra works in partnership with 16 National Health Practitioner Boards in implementing the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme. It ensures the community has access to a safe health workforce across the above professions.

"I want to make a complaint about my private health insurance."

The Commonwealth Ombudsman

Phone: 1300 362 072

Visit: www.ombudsman.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

The Commonwealth Ombudsman protects the interests of private health insurance consumers and has a free and independent complaint handling service.

"I want to make a complaint about Ambulance Victoria."

Health Complaints Commissioner (HCC)

Phone: 1300 582 113

Visit: https://hcc.vic.gov.au/

Access the complaints form here

The HCC can take complaints about health service organisations including Ambulance Victoria.


Victorian Ombudsman

Phone: 03 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (Regional)


Access the complaints from here

The Victorian Ombudsman deals with complaints about government organisations.

Aged care and/or disability

"I want to make a complaint about my Aged Care Provider."

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Phone: 1800 951 822

Visit: https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/

Access the complaints form here

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission's role is to protect and enhance the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of people receiving aged care. It promotes high quality care and services to safeguard everyone who is receiving Australian Government funded aged care.

"I want to make a complaint about National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funded supports and services."

NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission

Phone: 1800 035 544

Visit: www.ndiscommission.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

This Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. It regulates NDIS providers, promotes safety and quality, resolves problems and identifies areas for improvement.

"I want to make a complaint about an individual disability worker (registered or unregistered)."

Victorian Disability Worker Commission (VDWC)

Phone: 1800 497 132

Visit: www.vdwc.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

The VDWC can receive any enquiry, complaint or notification about any disability worker in Victoria, including about their:

· standard of work

· knowledge, skill or judgement

· capacity to provide services safely

· an alleged breach of the Disability Service Safeguards Act 2018 (Vic) or the Disability Service Safeguards Code of Conduct

Government and Police

"I want to make a complaint about an action or decision made by Victorian state and local government authorities."

Victorian Ombudsman

Phone: (03) 9613 6222

Visit: www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

The Victorian Ombudsman takes complaints about the actions or decisions of government departments, councils, publicly funded community services and organisations such as the MHWC.

"I want to make a complaint about Police misconduct and/or corruption in the public sector."

Victoria Police Conduct Unit

Phone: 1300 363 101

Visit: www.police.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

Victoria Police Conduct Unit takes complaints about a negative experience with Victoria Police or to report the actions or behaviour of its employees.


Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC)

Phone: 1300 735 135

Visit: www.ibac.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints form here

IBAC’s role is to prevent and expose public sector corruption, and investigate police misconduct in Victoria.



"I have a complaint about how my private information is being used by a Victorian government Agency, for example, my local Council."

Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner(OVIC)

Phone: 1300 006 842

Visit: www.ovic.vic.gov.au

Access the contact page here

OVIC deals with complaints regarding a Victorian government agency or local council’s failure to comply with one or more of the Information Privacy Principles.

They are Victoria’s primary regulator and source of independent advice about how the public sector collects, uses and shares information.


"I have a complaint about lawyers and legal services, for example, costs, conduct, behaviour, and quality of service."

Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSBC)

Phone: 03 9679 8001

Visit: www.lsbc.vic.gov.au

Access the consumer enquiry form here

The VLSBC is an independent statutory authority, responsible for regulation of the legal profession in Victoria.

Human Rights


"I want to make a complaint about my human rights to do with discrimination, victimisation, sexual, harassment and racial or religious vilification."

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC)

Phone: 1300 891 848

Visit: www.humanrights.vic.gov.au

Access the complaints from here

VEOHRC is an independent organisation with responsibilities under Victoria’s human rights laws. It resolves complaints and undertakes education, engagement, investigations and independent reviews.

VEOHRC advocates for stronger protections and greater respect for human rights and equality.
